Spam Filter Settings

The battle against spam never ends. You will be receiving email from a variety of volunteers throughout the class. Historically, many of these emails end up quietly filtered into spam. You have two options:

Approach #1 means you won't miss anything, but you might as well disable your spam filter altogether, which isn't realistic for many of us.

The recommended approach is to start with a simple, coarse rule and refine as needed.

Gmail instructions

The simplest rule is simply to allow anything mentioning wac.

1. In gmail do a search for wac and click the right most icon Search Options

2. Click Create filter

3. Mark Never send it to Spam and click Create filter

If that query is too general, you are on your own, but here's a start on a query that will match any one of some specific conditions to bypass the spam filter.

subject:wac OR OR OR to:(wac OR from:(wacÂ